Shampoo & Cut £38
Shampoo and Set £32
Fringe cut £7 |
Permanent wave £65 + add cut and blowdry (natural dry included) |
Colouring whole head £65 |
Re-growth tinting £45
Semi-permanent colour £50 |
Colour Nourishing Treatment £10
Full Head Short £65 Medium £80 Long POA
Roots/Half head £55
T-Section highlights £40
Bridal Designs starts from: £75 Bridesmaids Hair Ups from: £55 Bridal Mums & Special People from: £45
Bridal Hair & Make Up trial £150
Special Occasions & Do's from; £75
Fashion makeover -hair do and make up. £150
Shampoo cut 'n finish with beard trim add £5
£30 |
Cut only
£22 |
Beard trimming & beard shaping
from: £10 |
Head Massage - 20 mins
£15 |
Children & Young People
Shampoo & Cut (under 11) £12
12-14 £15
14-16 £18
16-18 £22
Simply call us on:
+44 1872 553303 +44 1872 553303
email us:
Fill in the online form
I look forward to welcoming you at Nurture